Ep 08: Richie Schley is a pioneer of mountain bike freeriding and a modern day cycling influencer

The world of mountain bike freeriding has come such a long way over the past couple of decades, and someone who has witnessed this firsthand, and moved with the tide of change is Richie Schley. He joins us on the podcast today to talk about his career, current professional setup, and hopes for the future for himself and the sport! Richie is an absolute legend in the space and proudly owns the title of 'cycling influencer', having smartly carved out a niche with strong brand relationships and visibility within cycling. We get into the nitty-gritty of sponsorship and branding, with Richie weighing in on the lessons he has learned about making the most of opportunities to make a career out of doing what you love, and some of the important landmarks along the way. We also discuss the irreplaceable utility of e-bikes, trail networks across the country, and some of Richie's most memorable magazine covers! The conversation covers rides that Richie still wants to do and the destinations at the top of his list. So for this great chat, layered with loads of awesome insight and experience, be sure to join us. 

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Richie's plan for a sunset ride following this interview! 

  • The career of a sponsored freerider and Richie's thoughts on being an early influencer. 

  • How Richie juggles the different demands of his career at present. 

  • Reminiscing about some of Richie's amazing cover features from over the years. 

  • The ins and outs of keeping sponsors happy in order to create a sustainable career.   

  • The lifespan of the Kranked films and their defining characteristics. 

  • Thoughts on e-bikes and why Richie has no problem riding one! 

  • Why Richie chose to settle on the west coast and the amazing rides he has constant access to.

  • The expansion of the trail network around Laguna and friction with rangers in the area.  

  • Richie's thoughts on Whistler Bike Park and what sets it apart from similar destinations.

  • The types of sponsors that Richie likes to ideally get on board with. 

  • Destinations that are still on Richie's bucket list; routes in Iceland, Canada, and beyond!

  • How Richie divides his day currently between the computer, surfing, riding, and other work.  

  • Possible trips on the horizon for 2021; Utah, Hawaii, Germany, and Arkansas.  


“Now you have to do all the jobs. You're riding your bike, getting the cameras ready, shooting, editing, the job got a lot harder.” — @richieschley [0:09:25]

“I always thought with the birth of bike parks, that gravity racing would take a beating, because why would you go race, when you can go with your friends and race each other and do a whole bunch of runs instead of just a couple?” — @richieschley [0:28:02]

“It's been a very interesting journey for me working with all these German brands. I have worked with some French and Italian brands, but it seems like I end up working well with the German companies.” — @richieschley [0:41:00]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Richie Schley

Richie Schley on Twitter 


Pulp Traction

The Moment

Episode 4 with Rob Story



Whistler Bike Park



Bike Magazine

Forbes Magazine

Rob Reed



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